The "We are the 99%" posters began springing up in New York's financial district under the credo of "Occupy Wall Street" - an instant Twitter phenomenon. However, the protests have grown in unprecedented proportions, while the political pundits on the right have dubbed the protesters "bizzare anti-American freaks", the protests have spread far beyond America's borders to over 17 nations around the world including countries in Europe and Asia.
The question has been raised over-and-over again on the News Networks: What do these people want?
I have the answer... [drum-roll]... they want acknowledgement from the top 1% that their actions have negatively impacted the bottom 99% and they want change.
Ordinary people without any celebrity whatsoever have been tweeting photos from all around the world regarding the massive protests, the most jaw-dropping one that seems to be circulating the most in the twitter world is this one . Over 20,000
No. Not the top 1% that you hear the politicians refer to as "the job creators" - not every millionaire is a job creator - this is in protest of the top 1% that makes life miserable for the bottom 99%. Like General Electric paying ZERO taxes in 2009, recording record profits, yet laying off thousands of employees.
And it isn't just regular every-day non-celebrities at these #occupywallstreet protests. Among the protesters, Filmmaker and Progressive Michael Moore who tweeted this photo while being threatened with the prospect of being placed under arrest for refusing to move by the NYPD.
Even Media mogul Def Jam CEO Russel Simmons offered to pay the entire cost of clean up for an occupy wall street protest demonstration in Zuccotti Park when NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg threatened to forcibly move the protestors out of the area citing the financial impact the protests are having on the city.
Seems that this is literally turning into 99% of America versus 1%.
And the political response is split along party lines as usual. Democrats siding with the 99ers while Republicans are in support of Wall Street. House Minority leader on Sunday lamented the fact that Democrats are supporting the protests:
"Where I am most concerned is we have elected leaders in this town who are frankly joining in the effort to blame others rather than focus on the policies that have brought about the current situation, I mean, when you hear of the Democrat elected leaders joining in, blaming parts of our economy and society, versus 'let's take some of the credit or blame here in Washington. These are policies they put in place, and a lot can be done here in this town to turn the economy around and promote income mobility, and not go in and excoriate some who have been successful. We want success for everybody."
THIS coming from the same "representative" of congress that made a profit through his wall-street investments when the United States nearly defaulted on it's debt and lost it's international Triple-A credit rating.
I believe I speak for 99% of Americans when to that I say:
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