Sunday, October 30, 2011

Democrazy !

Whether it's Bank Of America announcing it's going to charge a $5 debit card fee to all of its customers or Netflix doubling their prices over night, the average middle-income American has been feeling the crunch placed upon them by corporate America - and they're sick of it.

Since the announcement of their price hike, it's not clear what was more jaw-dropping, the nearly 1 million customers that have fled Netflix or the Twitter eruption that served essentially as a cyber protest of the corporations greed.

Netflix stock was at its highest point ever when the price hike was announced. Now it's down 75%.
Down from $305 a share to $80.

In a country where #OCCUPYWALLSTREET protests are taking place, protesting the tactics of corporate America and where we have Presidential candidates saying "Corporations are people too my friend" - it's nice to see that democracy still exists.

 And it isn't just the "people" that are turning against the slap-in-the-face move by Netflix. Blockbuster recently announced that they'll be offering Netflix customers a 30-Day free trial offer to their online DVD subscriptions for a lower price than Netflix.

In-fighting within the corporate world - Doesn't get much better than that.

Bank of America a few weeks ago announced that they'd be charging customers $5 a month for their debit card. Basically, $5 in order to be able to access your own money.

To this, Twitter took exception. People took to the social network to vent about the crooks bank's tactics. Bank Of America claimed that their new debit card fee is intended to offset the lost revenue due to the new banking regulations that will be put in place as a result of the Dodd-Frank bill.

The "Durbin Amendment" in the Dodd-Frank banking regulation bill sets a limit on the FEE that a bank can charge a merchant when a customer swipes their debit card at that location.

Basically, if YOU work hard for YOUR money and put it in YOUR bank account and YOU use YOUR debit card THEY will charge YOU for using what's YOURS. Why charge a fee in the first place? It's my money, why should my balance take a hit because of a fee.

But then again, much like the Netflix backlash, the banking world has taken notice that Americans are tired of corporate America's greed. After recording a $6.2BILLION profit last quarter, for Bank of America to charge a debit card fee is ridiculous.

JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo announced earlier in the week that they will NOT charge any debit card fees like Bank of America. Another win for middle America.

And now, with all that in mind, the comedy portion of this post:

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