Sunday, October 9, 2011


Although the recent protests taking place around the country that originated in New York's financial district lack a clear message accompanied by specific demands, I still understand the message and I still understand their demands.

They're not very well organized and they don't have any symbolic hats like the Tea-party, but it's clear that these people are upset about the way their country is going.

So what do they do?
 They go to the scene of the crime.

The protests began with a few hundred people in New York organizing via social networking sites, but the movement didn't garner national attention until the "#occupywallstreet" hashtag became a trending topic on Twitter. From entertainers to political junkies, tweets accompanied by the trending hashtag were being shared on a global scale. As of Saturday morning, a Facebook page for the protests had 50,000 "likes".

Of course, the support of the protests is split upon party-lines. On Fox News' "THE FIVE" talk-show, 4 out of 5 of their hosts referred to "everyone" involved in these protests as "socialists, marxists and communists". A sentiment I couldn't disagree with more. Interesting though, how when the left-wing media generalizes about the Tea-party protests, calling them all racists, Fox News goes up-in-arms about not generalizing on an entire protest movement because of a few hundred signs depicting the President as Hitler - irony.

From Twitter to Facebook to even a Presidential news conference, the #occupywallstreet movement has garnered attention and momentum not only because of the shared sentiments among the protesters, but also because of the ease of organization and communication that comes with the social media age.

So no, I don't believe Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain when he says that the protests are a government conspiracy although he "does not have the facts to back that up" <-- REALLY!?

I believe in the #occupywallstreet protests, not because I'm an anti-capitalist, socialist, communist, marxist or pinhead ... but because I'm a member of #theother99%.

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